Start managing your ENERGY instead of TIME!

Use your monthly cycle to your advantage

The monthly hormonal cycle can have a significant impact on our mood, energy levels, productivity, creativity and overall wellness.  

By understanding and harnessing hormone fluctuations, you can enhance your well-being, productivity and mindset.

I have personally witnessed and experienced incredible results from cycle syncing, and it has become a fundamental aspect of my work with clients.

This Cycle Strategy has empowered me to stay consistent with my mindset, energy, creativity, productivity & self-care. And I know this can help you too! 


It's important to recognise that each phase of the cycle brings about changes in energy levels, cognition, mindset, motivation, patience, and social desires.

Learn how to use your cycle to your advantage and experience more…

✔️ Productivity

✔️ Creativity

✔️ Energy

✔️ Intuition

✔️ And more…


Frequently Asked Questions

  • You can still adopt a cyclical living approach. By aligning your lifestyle with the lunar cycle, which closely mirrors the four phases of the menstrual cycle, you can create a natural rhythm for your daily life.

    By working with the lunar cycle, you can create a framework for growth, expansion, execution, and essential rest and reflection. Each phase brings unique energies and opportunities, and embracing them can lead to a greater sense of balance, self-awareness, and well-being.

    Refer to the cycle strategy guide or book a 1:1 session with me for more information.

    Embracing the lunar cycle can offer you a deeper connection to nature and an opportunity to harness its guiding forces in your life. Remember that this journey is unique to each individual, so feel free to experiment and adjust your approach to find what works best for you for a cyclical lifestyle.

  • If you have an irregular cycle, syncing it can be challenging, but there are steps you can take to help regulate it. Start by diligently tracking your cycle to identify any patterns or irregularities. Seeking advice from a hormone health professional can be beneficial in understanding and balancing your hormones effectively.

    In the meantime, consider syncing your cycle with the lunar cycle. The lunar cycle has four phases that mimic the menstrual cycle, and aligning with it can provide some sense of rhythm to your daily life. Stay flexible with your approach, as it may take time to find what works best for you.

    By working with the lunar cycle, you can create a framework for growth, expansion, execution, and essential rest and reflection. Each phase brings unique energies and opportunities, and embracing them can lead to a greater sense of balance, self-awareness, and well-being.

    Remember that each individual's journey is unique, so be patient with yourself and open to experimentation. With consistent tracking, professional guidance, and embracing the lunar cycle, you can gradually work towards achieving a more harmonious and balanced cycle.

  • If you are in peri-menopause, the cyclical living approach can still be helpful. Peri-menopause is indeed a time of hormonal fluctuations and uncertainty, which makes cycle tracking and journaling particularly valuable. By diligently recording your experiences and noting any patterns, you can gain insights into your changing cycle and better understand your body's responses during this transitional phase.

    Embracing cyclical living during peri-menopause can provide a sense of stability and a deeper connection with your body. Though your cycles might become irregular, the lunar cycle can serve as a guide to help you maintain a rhythm and make adjustments accordingly. Remember to stay flexible with your approach, as every woman's peri-menopause journey is unique, and what works for one person might not be the best fit for another.

    By working with the lunar cycle, you can create a framework for growth, expansion, execution, and essential rest and reflection. Each phase brings unique energies and opportunities, and embracing them can lead to a greater sense of balance, self-awareness, and well-being.

    Using cycle tracking/journaling during peri-menopause, you can navigate this significant life stage with more awareness and self-empowerment. It can also be a valuable tool for seeking support from healthcare professionals who can provide personalised guidance to ease your hormonal rollercoaster ride.

  • Absolutely! Whether you have a natural menstrual cycle or not, the cyclical living approach can still be applied to your life. The cyclical lifestyle isn't solely limited to those with regular periods; it's about embracing the natural rhythms that exist in nature and within ourselves.

    Even without a natural menstrual cycle, you can still benefit from adopting a cyclical lifestyle by following the lunar cycle. The lunar cycle consists of four phases, which mirror the four phases of the menstrual cycle. These phases are New Moon, Waxing Moon, Full Moon, and Waning Moon.

    By aligning yourself with the lunar cycle, you can create a framework for growth, expansion, execution, and essential rest and reflection. Each phase brings unique energies and opportunities, and embracing them can lead to a greater sense of balance, self-awareness, and well-being.

    So, whether you have a natural period or not, you have the option to follow the lunar cycle and experience the benefits of cyclical living. It's all about finding a rhythm that works for you and allows you to tap into the natural flow of life, regardless of your menstrual status.

  • Having a busy schedule can indeed be challenging, but making positive changes is still possible.

    Being in constant productivity mode isn’t sustainable! And can lead to burnout.

    Remember, it's essential to be kind to yourself and understand that finding balance takes time. Incremental 1% changes can lead to significant improvements over time.

    I am here to support & guide you through these adjustments.